Georgia Ai Summit

Georgia Ai Summit Jan. 19, 2024

Helping Businesses Fuel Growth By Leveraging Smart Technology

GWC Presents:

G.A.S. 1 Day Summit January 19, 2023

Location: Atlanta Tech Park-107 Technology Pkwy, Peachtree Corners, GA 30092

The Georgia A.I. Summit, scheduled for January 2024, is a highly anticipated event that brings together industry leaders, entrepreneurs, and small business owners from various sectors to explore the exciting world of artificial intelligence (A.I.) and its potential impact on small businesses. This summit serves as a platform for knowledge exchange, networking, and discovering cutting-edge technologies that can drive the growth and success of small businesses.

The summit is set to take place in Georgia, a state known for its thriving business ecosystem and technological advancements. With A.I. becoming increasingly accessible and transformative across industries, the summit aims to empower small business owners with the necessary knowledge and tools to leverage these emerging technologies effectively.

Industry leaders and experts in the field of A.I. will be at the forefront of this event, sharing their experiences, insights, and success stories. Through keynote speeches, panel discussions, workshops, and interactive sessions, attendees will have the opportunity to learn firsthand from these influential figures about the latest trends, applications, and best practices in A.I.

The summit will focus on showcasing real-world examples and case studies where A.I. has been utilized to drive business growth and innovation. Attendees will gain valuable insights into how A.I. can enhance customer experiences, optimize operational efficiency, and unlock new revenue streams for small businesses. They will also learn about the potential challenges and considerations associated with implementing A.I. solutions and strategies.

One of the key objectives of the Georgia A.I. Summit is to ensure that small businesses, regardless of their technical expertise or resources, can benefit from the knowledge and expertise shared by industry leaders. The summit will offer practical guidance and actionable takeaways that can be easily applied by small business owners in their day-to-day operations.

In addition to the educational sessions, the summit will feature an exhibition area where innovative A.I. startups and technology providers will showcase their products and services. This will allow attendees to explore and interact with the latest A.I. solutions tailored for small businesses, providing them with an opportunity to identify potential partners or vendors to support their growth plans.

Ultimately, the Georgia A.I. Summit in January 2024 aims to foster a collaborative environment where small business owners can learn, connect, and be inspired by the possibilities that A.I. offers. It will equip them with the knowledge and resources necessary to make informed decisions and harness the power of A.I. to fuel the growth and success of their businesses in an ever-evolving technological landscape.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Title Sponsor $7500

As the title sponsor, your business will enjoy prominent brand visibility throughout the summit. This includes prominent logo placement on event materials, website, and signage, as well as recognition during opening and closing ceremonies. Title sponsors often receive exclusive speaking opportunities and significant media coverage.

Keynote Speaker Sponsor $3500

This sponsorship package allows your business to sponsor a keynote speaker session. Your company’s logo and branding will be prominently displayed during the session, and you may have the opportunity to present as the keynote speaker. This sponsorship offers high visibility and positions your brand as a thought leader in the A.I. industry.

Panel Sponsorship $1500

Sponsor a specific workshop or panel session focused on a particular topic or industry. Your brand will be associated with that session, and you may have the opportunity to introduce the speakers or participate as a panelist. This sponsorship allows you to align your brand with specific areas of interest and expertise.

Exhibitor $500

Showcase your products or services by securing an exhibition booth. This allows you to interact directly with attendees, demonstrate your offerings, and generate leads. Your booth will prominently display your branding, and you may have the opportunity to provide a short presentation or demo at a designated time.

Georgia A.I. Summit

G.A.S Journal $350

Elevate your brand’s presence by advertising in the Georgia A.I. Summit Journal. Reach a diverse audience of industry leaders and enthusiasts, while also contributing to the success of the summit. Your support helps facilitate insightful discussions and valuable networking opportunities at this premier event in artificial intelligence.

2024 Ai Summit

Swag Bag $250

Offer branded merchandise or promotional items to be included in the event’s swag bags, which are distributed to all attendees. This sponsorship offers wide exposure and ensures that your brand stays top of mind even after the event.

Early Bird Registration $149

We are so excited that you will be joining us for another history making event. The only drawback is that we can only accommodate 150 attendees. We know that we will sell out, but we want to give you a chance to get your ticket now at a significant discount. The price will increase to $249 in December.
